Approx Cost:
$5.00 voluntary contribution for course materials.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

 Year 12 - Literacy Co-Requisite Unit Standards in Reading (5credits) and Writing (5 credits). Alternatively, students can discuss their suitability with the HOLA, Ms Lamont.

Year 13 - At least 10 credits from Level 2 English Achievement Standards alternatively they can discuss their suitability with the HOLA, Ms Lamont.

As this is an academic course, it is expected that students choosing this course will be perceptive, articulate, and accurate writers, and readers

Course Outline:

“Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar.” Nnamdi Azikiwe

Do you have opinions? Enjoy a good debate? Are you an avid consumer of literature of all types? Here is your chance to think outside the square. This course is all about you.

An academic, multi-level Level 2 and Level 3 course, Where Knowledge Meets Scholarship aims to introduce, prepare, and guide you to success in the English Scholarship examination.

Your critical thinking skills will be extended through the examination and connections between unfamiliar texts.

Your critical thinking skills will be extended through the examination and connections between unfamiliar texts. You will explore intertextuality (connections) between literature selected from a wide range of genres: what these texts have to say about how literature explores what it is to be human and the place of literature in our lives.

You will explore intertextuality (connections) between literature selected from a wide range of genres: what these texts have to say about how literature explores what it is to be human and the place of literature in our lives.

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course. These can potentially change in 2025.

Please note that English is currently undergoing a national curriculum rewrite. This course may be subject to change



This course will assess two internal and two external Achievement Standards.  Students can achieve these Achievement Standards at Level 2 or Level 3. Students are expected to sit both external (examination) Achievement Standards.

Where Does It Lead:

Year 13 English: ENW301, ENF301, ENC301, ENR001, ENS001 and ENG301.

For those in Year 13, University – many courses require NCEA Level 3 English as a prerequisite (refer to Careers information).

For further information see:
Mrs Ryan