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The school offers a well-developed programme of Careers and Pathways Education which is available to all students.


Programmes include:


  • Career programmes incorporated into Linc learning areas where appropriate.
  • Subject Selection evening for students and parents.
  • Participation in the Careers Expo for senior students.
  • Individual course counselling available for every student.
  • Career information, advice, guidance and coaching available for all students.
  • Regular liaison visits from Tertiary Institutions, Private Training Providers and the Armed Services.


Employment Skills Programme

Year 11, 12 and 13 Employment Skills (refer to the Year 11-13 courses of study) and Year 12 Maths for Life.


Work Experience

Any senior student, who wishes to do so, may apply to go out on work exploration organised by the school with an employer from our community. This provides opportunities for students to:

  • Find out what work is like.
  • Prepare for the transition to work.
  • Find occupations that interest them.
  • Learn and practise the skills of work.
  • Work and learn in a different environment.
  • Build self-confidence.
  • Practise basic/core skills in the context of work. 

There is a developing recognition of the significance of work exploration as a route towards successful employment. Each student's placement is individually designed to meet his or her educational and vocational ambitions. Students will be required to meet standards of behaviour and levels of attendance before being offered a placement.


STAR Courses taken by External Providers

STAR courses are available for senior students and provide the opportunity for students to experience tertiary education and training while they are still at school. Examples are First Aid, Welding, Barista and many more. Some STAR courses offer standards that count towards NCEA. STAR courses are usually block courses, often held during the holidays. The cost to the student is minimal - transport costs only. 


Gateway Programme

Aimed at Year 12 and 13, students who have clearly identified a career pathway are eligible to apply for the Gateway Programme which opens a pathway from school to the world of work subject to meeting required standards of behaviour and levels of attendance.

It blends school study with workplace learning and experience. Learning is assessed in the workplace and counts towards NCEA.  Students on this programme need to be prepared to study outside school hours as this programme runs during the term time and students must commit not only to keeping up with their existing workload but also undertake an additional 20 NCEA credits.

In the past many students who have undertaken a Gateway Programme have obtained full or part-time work as a direct result.


Full-Time Job Search 

This programme is offered to selected students in the senior school. It is aimed at students who want help in finding a job, but who do not wish to lose contact with school. While they are actively seeking a job, students may follow custom-built courses of study at school. The advantage of this programme is that students have the advice and assistance of careers staff while they are actively job seeking. Students joining this program must have the approval of their parents/caregivers and their Head of Level.

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