Sunhats and Caps
LHS sunhats and caps are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop to be worn outside of the classroom. No other headwear is permitted all year round.
Physical Education Uniform
Physical Education uniform can be purchased at the Uniform Shop.
All shoes must be full leather (no partial leather areas permitted) - All shoes must be fully black (no different colours soles/branding/laces)
- Fitted Uniform: Black leather lace-up shoes with rounded toe, and heels no higher than 5 cm with no adornments OR Black leather low heeled shoes with one strap across the top of the foot OR Black leather low heeled T bar shoes.
- Tailored Uniform: Black leather lace-up shoes with black laces, rounded toe, and with no adornments OR Black leather slip on shoes with no adornments. -
Students are permitted to wear:
- Taonga around their necks.
- TWO small studs or sleepers in each ear.
- ONE flat ring (in total, not per hand).
- ONE small stud, no bigger than 2mm diameter in nose.
- One flat bracelet per hand.
- A small linked necklace chain with or without a small, appropriate, cross or decoration.
Facial Hair:
- Facial hair must be clean, groomed and tidy to avoid patches and no longer than 3 cm in length.
- Hair is permitted on the face only and must be groomed so as not to extend onto the neck.
- Exemptions may be given for medical or cultural reasons.
Students are not allowed
- Facial piercings not specified above e.g. nose rings, eyebrow studs and lip studs.
- Vests
- No sports club or sports team wear (including LHS sports team merchandise).
- Coloured tee shirts or coloured singlets under their shirts/blouses.
- No large earrings, spikes or stretchers.
- Hoodies.
- Black canvas shoes/boots or ballet flats.

Uniform Suppliers:
Uniform items (Years 9-13) are available from the school Uniform Shop, which is located next to our school hall.
Key Dates
Get the diary out and pencil in these important dates.