Our curriculum
We’re aware that opportunities for employment are developing significantly, often in areas that previously didn’t even exist. Studying a variety of courses ensures you get a valuable insight into many academic disciplines, and helps you to determine where to concentrate your efforts in the future.
The Junior School
Year 9
Students are in the first year of their two year junior programme. Year 9 consists of two semesters (half-year long) with a combination of core (compulsory) courses and option classes chosen by the students.
In Year 9 students will take 12 semester (half-year) courses that include:
a)Core courses - Two semesters of Health & Physical Education, Mathematics and Science in addition to one semester of English and Social Studies.
b) Option courses - Four semesters of option courses.
Year 10
Students are in the second year of their two year junior programme. Year 10 consists of two semesters (half year-long) with a combination of core (compulsory) courses and option courses chosen by the students.
In Year 10 students will take 12 semester (half-year) courses that include:
a) Core Courses - Two Semesters of English and Social Studies, and one Semester of Health & PE, Mathematics, and Science.
b) Option Courses - Five semesters of option courses.
The Senior School
Years 11, 12 & 13
Year 11 students study 12 semester courses, two must be in English and two must be in Mathematics.
Year 12 students study six courses, and year 13 students study five courses and have Independent Study Time.
The major aims here are:
To give students a sound preparation in the subjects they are studying for external awards and qualifications.
To equip students for the transition to the post-school world of employment or further education.
To provide each student with a relevant course of study, which matches the individual's strengths and abilities.
There are no compulsory courses for Year 12 & 13 students. English and Mathematics course are recommended though in Year 12.
Students in Years 12 and 13 may study towards the following external qualifications: these are administered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
NCEA (Level 2)
NCEA (Level 3) and Scholarship
Lincoln High School is fully accredited to award credits in all conventional subjects, and we have a very wide ranging accreditation to teach and assess vocational units.
University Papers
Papers which can be credited towards degrees at Canterbury, Lincoln or Massey Universities.