Ngā Mātāpuna o Ngā Pākihi
Kāhui Ako
Community of Learning – Kāhui Ako
Ararira Springs Broadfield Ladbrooks Lincoln Primary Lincoln High Springston Prebbleton Tai Tapu & Early Childhood Centres
Lincoln High School is a member of the Ngā Mātāpuna o Ngā Pākihi Kāhui Ako/Community of Learning, which collaborates on various programmes, projects and initiatives.
Vision: Together we are an engaged community of learners
Values: Aroha, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Tiakitanga, Rangatiratanga
(our values are founded in our shared cultural narrative from Te Taumutu Rūnanga)
Strategic Initiatives: Connections, Cultural Responsiveness, Environment and Sustainability, Literacy
- We have a shared kāhui ako strategic plan.
- We have established a Stewardship Group, which includes representation from the Board members and Principals from our schools and an ECE representative.
- In 2017 the first Lead Principals were appointed, and the first Achievement Challenges were approved by the Minister of Education.
- In 2018 the first Across School (ASLs) and Within School Lead Teacher (WSLs) positions were appointed.
- In 2019 work on implementing the achievement challenge focus areas started.
- In 2021 we set four new Achievement Challenges, appointed four new ASLs and work continues on these for 2022.
- We operate with two co-lead principals in a shared leadership role, alternating for two years each.
In 2022 Lincoln High School has nine WSL positions, and two staff-members hold an Across School Leader position.