International Student Behaviour Contract
Students at Lincoln High School are expected to practice the school motto of
“Seek the Highest Good”
I will respect and abide by the School Rules (Attached below)
I will respect and abide by New Zealand law
- I understand that it is illegal for me to purchase, smoke or be in possession of cigarettes under the age of 18 in New Zealand
I understand that it is illegal for me to purchase, consume or be in possession of alcohol under the age of 18 in New Zealand
- I understand that it is illegal for me to purchase, consume or be in possession of illegal drugs in New Zealand
- I understand that I need to gain permission from the International Department before I can travel domestically or internationally out of Christchurch. This includes going home to your parents during the mid- term breaks
- I understand that I am not allowed to stay overnight at another student’s home stay unless permission the International Department is given
- I will respect and abide by the School Curfew:
Age |
Sunday – Thursday |
Friday & Saturday |
13 & 14 years |
Home by 6.30 p.m. |
Home by 6.30 p.m. |
15 Years |
Winter – home by dark Summer – in time for dinner |
8.30 pm - summer time only Home by dark during winter |
16- 17 years |
Winter – home by dark Summer – in time for dinner |
10.00 pm |
18 years & over |
Winter – home by dark Summer – in time for dinner |
Expected to come home on or before last evening bus. |
The disciplinary procedures outlined in the Education Act 1989 should be applicable for all serious misconduct that is alleged to have occurred both inside and outside of school. The designated caregiver or Director of International Students (or her representative) shall act as the parent in the disciplinary process:
Should it be deemed appropriate the school reserves the right to:
a) Impose a curfew or other restrictions on the student outside of school hours for a set period of time
b) terminate the contract and repatriate the student with forfeiture of fees
I understand that any misconduct or breaches of this Behaviour Contract may result in my Student Visa being cancelled and me being sent home
Student Signature ______________________________________________
School Signature _______________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________
Lincoln High School Rules:
100% attendance is required. Every class. Every day.
Be at school and in class on time.
Do not leave the school grounds during the day unless you have a leave pass or are in Year 13.
Take pride in your appearance, wear correct school uniform and ensure it is clean, tidy and clearly named.
Report to a Senior Leadership team before school if wearing any incorrect item of uniform.
International Students are not allowed to drive at any time.
Respect your environment, do not litter.
Respect school property, classrooms, furniture, equipment and grounds.
Respect other students and staff.
Bullying of any kind including via social media is not tolerated.
Foul language and name calling of any kind including via social media is not tolerated.
Report any loss or damage immediately to the office or a senior staff member.
Do not eat in classrooms.
Do not use ipods or phones in class for personal use.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Do not take things that belong to other people.
Get enough sleep so that you are alert at school.
Work to the best of your ability at all times.
Be prepared for work by having all the books/equipment you need for class ready at the beginning of the lesson.
Involve yourself in school life inside and outside the classroom.
Adopt a positive approach to yourself and others.
Obey the road crossing rules and observe safe traffic behaviour at all times.
It is compulsory by NZ law to wear a cycle helmet while cycling.
Do not bring any of the following items to school: chewing gum, cigarettes, matches, lighters, firecrackers of any type, alcohol, illegal drugs, knives, weapons of any kind, laser light equipment of any kind.
International Students must obtain permission from the International Department to be away from their homestay. This rule applies for 1 night or longer.