Approx Cost:
$5.00 for course materials
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

At least 10 credits from Level 2 English Achievement Standards.

Course Outline:

This course will look at the Vietnam War and some more modern conflicts that have happened in recent times and war on a global scale.  Students will study, respond to and analyse all text types, including film, short stories, novel and poetry. Themes will be complex and engaging and may include the duality of man, the effect of war on the human mind, the addiction to war and the brutality of conflict.  There is also an opportunity for students to explore their own topics like the Cartels in South America, Terrorism or the Civil Rights Movement in the USA.

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course.  These can potentially change for 2025.

Please note that English is currently undergoing a national curriculum rewrite. This course is subject to change.


There are two internal and two external assessments in this course. Students are expected to sit both external (examinatioin) Achievement Standards.

Where Does It Lead:

University - many courses require NCEA Level 3 English as a prerequisite (refer to Career information).

For further information see:
Ms Lamont