Approx Cost:
There will be a non-compulsory trip to Wellington. Approximate cost $350. This will be notified well in advance.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have:

  • Level 1 Literacy (in Achievement Standards)and
  • 2 internal Achievement Standards and 1 external Achievement Standard in a Level 2 Social Studies or English course.


  • discuss their suitability with the TIC Senior Social Studies.
Course Outline:

Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of ideologies, polices and how these factors shape our world. They will be able to tailor their own learning by selecting areas of personal interest for research and social action assignments.

  • Ideologies - Students will delve into various ideologies, including the examination of extremist views, to understand their origins, impacts, and the ways they influence societies.
  • Policy - The course will investigate how policies at local. national and global levels shape our world.
  • Social action - Students will have the opportunity to organise and lead social action initiatives, applying their learning to real world issues and making a positive impact in our community.

 As a guide click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course. These can potentially change for 2025.

Where Does It Lead:

Tertiary study options such as: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Human Services, Education, Māori and Indigenous Studies, Media and Communication, Law and Legal Studies, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Global Studies and Sociology.

For further information see:
Mrs Werahiko or Ms Campbell