Approx Cost:
$5.00 voluntary contribution for course materials
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

At least 10 credits from Level 2 English Achievement Standards.

Course Outline:

Dive into the rich tapestry of American literature through the lens of race in this engaging Year 13 English course. From the early works of author, Langston Hughes, to the contemporary voices of African American filmmaker, Jordan Peele, and Native American author, Sherman Alexie, we explore the complex intersections of race, identity, and power in the American experience.

Through in-depth analysis, students will navigate pivotal moments in history, confront challenging themes, and gain a deeper understanding of how literature reflects and shapes cultural narratives.  By examining diverse perspectives and engaging critically with texts, students will emerge with a heightened awareness of the enduring legacy of race in American society and literature.

Please note that English is currently undergoing a national curriculum rewrite. This course is subject to change.


There are two internal and two external assessments in this course. Students are expected to sit both external (examination) Achievement Standards.

Where Does It Lead:

University - many courses require NCEA Level 3 English as a prerequisite (refer to Career information on website).

For further information see:
Ms Lamont