Approx Cost:
$400 for an optional trip
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have 10 level two credits from any senior social sciences subject OR
-Achievement in one internal assessment AND one external assessment in English at Level Two.

Course Outline:

 History will focus on political events, ideas and movements that look at relationships within and between countries. 
Events that have impacted how countries interact with one another, disputes, resolutions and how this may influence the current global political climate.
Offers an introduction to politics and international relations – both of which can play important roles in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Laws– a common pathway for History students.

Topics to be Covered 
a. The Atomic Bomb and the Cold War – Conflict that encompassed the world for almost half a century. The fight for superpower supremacy between the US and USSR and how this has affected political relations today.

b. Goldmining in Central Otago - Explore how the discovery of gold changed Central Otago. Explore the lives of those on the gold fields and the discrimination that Chinese gold miners faced.

c. Russian Revolution – The evolution of the Communist system of government, how dictators like Lenin and Stalin rose to power and how this affected people under their rule and international relations.


d. Evolution of Nazi Antisemitism - Looking at the history and evolution of historic antisemitism, Hitler's rise to power, and the historical debate around whether the gas chambers were inevitible. This is a unit to look and learn from the warnings from history. 

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course.  These can potentially change for 2025.


Three internal History standards (91434, 91435 and 91437)
External Assessment. Option of two papers - 91438 and/or 91436

Where Does It Lead:

Offers an introduction to politics and international relations – both of which can play important roles in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Laws– a common pathway for History students. 

For further information see:
Miss Vernall