Approx Cost:
Course manual $25.00 and revision guides $25.00.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have studied PHY201 to enter this course. Automatic entry requires a minimum of 12 credits from the PHY201 course. Students not meeting these criteria need to discuss their suitability with the HOLA.

Course Outline:

By the end of the Level 3 course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of wave systems, Physics 3.3.
  • Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems, Physics 3.4.
  • Demonstrate understanding of electrical system, Physics 3.6.

Students will undertake a mixture of research and investigation-based internal assessments during the year.  They will also sit external exams at the end of the year.

As a guide click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course. These can potentially change for 2025.

Where Does It Lead:

Physics is a prerequisite in the first year courses for engineering, optometry and architecture, and may be taken for medicine, food technology, physiotherapy and many other courses. The course can provide exemptions in appropriate Polytechnic courses at Trade or New Zealand certificate level.

For further information see:
Mr Yang.