Approx Cost:
$750.00 paid in three instalments of $250.00 at the start of Terms 1, 2 and 3. The cost of basic personal clothing and food must be met by the students.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Due to the risks involved in the course a high standard of personal responsibility is required. Students will also require suitable outdoor clothing to ensure their safety when participating in activities.

The priorities for selecting OED303 students are: 

1st Priority is given to students who have completed Yr 12 OED and :

  • Has completed the course satisfactorily.  This means, all assessments have been completed and there have been no H & S concerns while doing 12OED
  • Students’ course choice priority ranking will also be considered in this selection

  • A ballot may occur for selection due to high numbers of applicants


     2nd  Priority is given to students who have not completed Yr 12 OED.


Course Outline:

This course is likely to include Unit Standards in sea kayaking, rock climbing or survival skills/tramping and mountain expedition skills.

Students will attend trips and overnight camps that result in absences from other subjects. Attending these trips and overnight camps are a required part of assessment to gain credits during this course. Students are expected to catch up on all missed work.

As a guide click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course. These can potentially change for 2025.

Where Does It Lead:

The course can be valuable in occupations where self-confidence, commitment and good communication skills are needed and can lead into the adventure tourism Industry and to tertiary courses in outdoor pursuits.

For further information see:
Mr Aitken.