Approx Cost:
Nil, but a scientific calculator is needed for this course
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

This course is not open entry.  Students will be identified for this course based on their need to still obtain the NCEA Corequisite Numeracy qualification.

Semester 1 is open to Year 12 & 13 students only, who do not have an NCEA Corequisite Numeracy qualification.

Semester 2 is open to 11MNU and NUM001 students who still do not have an NCEA Corequisite Numeracy qualification.


Course Outline:

This course is designed as a supported learning course to help students gain the NCEA Corequisite Digital Numeracy Assessment which will occur sometime around May/June in semester 1 and October in semester 2.

Where Does It Lead:

No further pathway

For further information see:
Mr Phillipps