Approx Cost:
$210.00. Any extra materials used will be charged accordingly.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Open Entry (previous experience in Materials Technology courses recommended.

Course Outline:
  • Health and safety (demonstrating safe practices in the workshop)
  • Accuracy, precision, marking out (basic measurements) and literacy
  • Planning, research, evaluating product, quality finishing
  • Evaluating individual performance
  • using hand tools, equipment and machinery
  • preparing cutting lists and orthographic drawings


This course is based around unit standards.  Students produce components by performing engineering machining operations in a MaPS environment (Manufacturing and Skills Pathway programme).

The course is designed to build on skills from Level 2.  A focus on accuracy and a well finished product is the goal.  Students are encouraged to learn and apply the skills of CAD whilst designing different parts.

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course.  These can potentially change for 2025.

Where Does It Lead:

Polytechnic courses in material related trades and related employment opportunities in the engineering industry e.g., Fitter, turner, welder, engineer, blacksmith, sheet metal fabricator, plastic engineering etc.

For further information see:
Mr van Wezel