Approx Cost:
$5.00 voluntary contribution for class materials.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

At least 13 credits at Merit or Excellence from Level 2 English Achievement Standards. Alternatively, students can discuss their suitability with the HOLA. Entry may be dependent on submitting a crafted piece of creative writing.



Course Outline:

Designed for able writers, the course emphasises the craft of writing in various styles, enabling students to produce a portfolio that showcases creativity, coherence, and critical thinking. Alongside the writing-focused curriculum, students will delve into literature studies, enhancing their understanding of diverse texts and broadening literary horizons.

Personal reading will foster a love for reading and provide inspiration for student’s own writing. Close analyses of critical texts will sharpen analytical skills, preparing them for the rigours of external assessments and future academic pursuits or employment opportunities.

This course will support students in refining writing skills, engaging deeply with literature, and developing the critical abilities needed for success in tertiary education and beyond.

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course.  These can potentially change for 2025. 

Please note that English is currently undergoing a national curriculum rewrite. This course is subject to change.


There are two internal and two external assessments in this course. Students are expected to sit both external (examination) Achievement Standards.

Where Does It Lead:

University – many courses require NCEA Level 3 English as a pre-requisite (refer to Career information).

For further information see:
Mrs Ryan