Approx Cost:
Language perfect subscription $25.00 if doing both Semesters; $15 if doing one semester. Own headphones are essential.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

It is recommended students have completed JFrea or JFreb.

Course Outline:

Learning the language and culture of another country opens up a world of opportunities. Through the lens of a traveller, we will explore France and French speaking countries.

This semester will equip students with the knowledge and language skills needed to explore France, through a focus on daily experiences, travel and spending time in either a home-stay, on exchange or as a traveller.

Students will have fun building their language skills through games, communicative activities and virtual tour exploration. We will continue our focus of genuine communication so that students build their language skills. There will be the opportunity to explore areas of interest in France, communicate with students from other French speaking communities and to try some French food. 


Small tests covering the four main skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing. Vocabulary will be tested regularly. Students will be encouraged to self-assess and peer-assess. 


Where Does It Lead:

Year 11 Part 1 and Part 2 French. This course introduces students to another culture where students can relate to their own lifestyles through exploring another.

For further information see:
Ms Taylor