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RSE what is this about?

RSE programme's at LHS aim to:

  • acknowledge parents are the moral educators of their children
  • to explore values, not teach them as such 
  • encourage more communication with home
  • promote open and honest discussions
  • support students in building knowledge and skills to navigate in an everchanging world and to form health relationships and make informed decisions, which in turn supports overall wellbeing

The Health & Physical Education Curriculum in 1999 quoted:
"In RSE young people learn about themselves and develop knowledge and skills that will help them to interact in positive, respectful, and supportive ways with others.”

Family Planning Association quotes:
"Relationships and sexuality education (although still referred to as sexuality education in the curriculum) is one of seven key areas of learning in health and physical education. It aims to provide students with the knowledge, understandings, and skills to develop positive attitudes towards sexuality and to enhance their interpersonal relationships. An effective sexuality education programme provides students with the knowledge, understandings, and skills to develop positive attitudes towards sexuality and to enhance interpersonal relationships. It encourages students to enjoy their sexuality, have safe and fulfilling relationships, and take responsibility for their own and others’ sexual health and wellbeing.

They also state"  "relationship and sexuality education is learning that helps people gain knowledge and skills, and be clear about their attitudes and values, so they can make informed decisions about tehri sexuality, relationships, sexual activity and health.  Relationship and sexuality education is a partnership and shared responsibility between parents, whānau, teacher, schools and the community.

The Education Hub quotes:
"RSE promotes students social and emotional skills, builds the foundation of safe, equal and pleasurable relationships, and develops awareness of broader social, cultural and environmental contexts that influence wellbeing. RSE involves learning about relationships as well as about bodies, gender, and sexualities. RSE is different from what many people remember as ‘sex education’, which focuses on the physical /biological dimension of sex. RSE is shaped by a holistic model of health, which includes physical, mental/ emotional, spiritual and social dimensions of human sexuality"

(The Education Hub 2022 )

The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) are issued under the Education and Training Act 2020 states:

"Create a safe and inclusive culture where diversity is valued and all learners/ākonga and staff, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+, are disabled, have learning support needs, are neurodiverse, or from diverse ethnic communities, feel they belong"  ('-TES-documents/FULL-NELP-2020.pdf)

Useful readings:

Relationships and sexuality education – what is it, really? 

Relationships and sexuality education – FAQs

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