Approx Cost:
Course manual $30.00. Field trip approx. $30.00. Education Perfect $20.00
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have taken at least two Year 11 Science courses, with one of those being a Biology course. Alternatively, a student can discuss their suitability with the HOLA.

Course Outline:

Some of the Biology from Level 1 is developed further, and new topics are introduced including:

  • Genetic variation and change.
  • Animal diversity.
  • Cell structure and function.
  • Ecology.

There are two external assessments at the end of the year and two internal assessments during the year. One optional internal will be offered at the end of the year.

Where Does It Lead:

Year 13 Biology, Polytechnic Nursing, New Zealand Certificate of Science courses, occupational therapy, university biology courses, veterinary science, optometry, medical degree, horticulture and agriculture fields, etc.

For further information see:
Ms Whiting/Mr Marshall