Approx Cost:
$20.00 for field trip
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Course Outline:

At year 9, students will learn why agriculture has been important to New Zealand ever since Māori, the tangata whenua, started living and farming here over a thousand years ago.  There is a strong practical side to this course, where students will learn about basic soil science, the importance of bees in agriculture and they will learn several different propagation techniques. Students will also be introduced to livestock farming activities in New Zealand.


Assessment is by means of written tests and project work.

Where Does It Lead:

Years 10 and 11 and level 2 and 3 NCEA in Agricultural/Horticultural Science.  Agriculture is mostly about modern farming theories and methods. It is of use not only to people intending to pursue a career in farming or the many other related areas, but it also gives a better understanding and appreciation of our NZ way of life, our pets, home gardens and even ourselves.

For further information see:
Dr Sparke, Miss Tighe, Mr Marshall