Approx Cost:
Course manual $25.00. Field trip $20 - $25 tbc
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have taken at least two Year 11 Science courses, with one of those being 11PHY. Alternatively students can discuss their suitability with the HOLA.

Course Outline:

By the end of the Level 2 course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of atoms and radioactivity. 
  • Demonstrate understanding of mechanics.
  • Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism.

There are two internal Achievement Standards during the year, with two external assessments at the end of the year.

Where Does It Lead:

Year 13/Scholarship Physics and university study. The content is a valuable "lead in" to many tertiary courses e.g, engineering, physiotherapy, radiography.  It can reduce apprenticeship periods significantly and provides exemptions for many polytechnic trade and New Zealand certificate courses.

For further information see:
Miss Blanchard.