Approx Cost:
Optional field trip $60.00
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Open Entry

Course Outline:

In general, topics cover the causes and consequences of significant historical events.

Students will study events from the following topics:

  • The Vietnam War

  • Terror - the 9/11 attacks or Munich Olympic Massacre

  • The Takapuneke Massacre

  • Assassinations that changed the world

This course included 3 internal and 2 external achievement standards.

The focus of this course is intended for students who have an interest in conflict management, political science and sociology.  The other subjects that provide learning which helps History students deepen their understanding of the processes and topics studied in History include Social Studies and Geography.

Where Does It Lead:

NCEA Level 3/Scholarship History, university and college of education. Students considering a career in any field which requires report writing, unbiased opinion, analytical and logical thought will find this subject beneficial. Careers include: law, journalism, teaching, tourism, public relations, libraries, and government departments.

For further information see:
Miss Vernall