Approx Cost:
Workbook $35.00, E-learn $25
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have completed one semester of 11ECA or 11ECB. Alternatively they can discuss their suitability with the HOD. Students who have not previously studied Economics will require extra out-of-class work throughout the year.

Course Outline:

The course looks at issues currently facing the New Zealand economy, and will enhance your ability to understand the importance of the economic information you receive through the media. 

  • Inflation: what it is and how it impacts on households and firms and how the government influences the economy.
  • Unemployment: types, causes and impact of unemployment on society.
  • Economic growth: what this is, how it's measured and how it  impacts on households and firms (society)
  • Government policies: How government policy keeps inflation under control and how the government tries to increase international trade and economic growth.


Where Does It Lead:

Year 13 Economics, Year 13 Business Studies and University

For further information see:
Mrs Walker or Miss Payne